World Energy Innovations is an industry leader in creating innovative design concepts and energy efficiency technology. We have 12 patents and 25 trade secrets used to reduce companies’ energy use by 30 percent or more.
Our name reflects our innovative and unique approach to energy systems designs.
During decades of work in designing energy efficiency strategies and systems, CEO Tom Kiser observed that most companies think they need every unit of energy they purchase. In fact, most actually pay for MUCH more than needed.
He developed the Energy Efficiency Quotient, expressed as the ratio of:
It’s not uncommon for energy consumers to have a Energy Efficiency Quotient ranging from one-third to one-tenth. That means you may be paying for 60 to 90 percent more energy than you need. Where does the extra energy go? Much is lost in the form of rejection heat.
When we know where extra energy is lost, we can develop strategies to reduce it and/or recycle rejection energy by feeding it back into other loads at your facility or campus.
The Energy Efficiency Quotient demonstrates that you can pay for LESS energy than you need. Kiser envisioned how to accomplish this with proven technology and the “Green Machine” design protocol.
By incorporating waste recovery wherever possible and integrating renewable energy, you can develop an ideal design strategy that creates a Energy Efficiency Quotient of three to one. So you can purchase just one unit of energy for every three units of energy needed.